Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Cities, New Experiences, and New Toys!!

McKenley is constantly learning about new things, seeing new people, and finding out about her changing surroundings!!

Last week we headed to Austin to see Aunt Katy graduate!! I will post more pics from our trip soon! McKenley was SUCH a good girl on her first road trip :)

This week I went to Target to get McKenley a Bumbo chair. She's not completely ready for it, but they're just so darn cute that I couldn't help myself!!  I put her in it just to see how she would handle it and OMG!!! it was probably the cutest darn thing that I had ever seen! How can someone look so little and yet like such a big girl all at the same time!!
She was so mesmerized by all of her surroundings, I think she was confused by seeing everything from this new perspective! I couldn't even get her to smile (which has become quite easy these days!) because she was concentrating on everything so hard!

Then I turned on the Baby Einstein DVD! WOW!! I didn't hear a peep from her for the entire 28 minutes! She loved all the bright colors and the fun noises, it was hysterical!!
"Don't bother me while my movie is on Mom!!"

Friday we went to our weekly Mom & Me meeting and had a BLAST!! McKenley loves looking at all the other babies, but we REALLY missed our friends Lezlee and Sophia! McKenley can't wait for Sophia's mommy to be done with school so they can play again :) At this week's meeting we learned about a Mom & Me swim class in the area and CAN'T WAIT to get signed up (more on this hopefully very soon!)

All in all, McKenley is getting bigger and bigger each day and starting to develop quite a goofy little personality!

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