Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4 months!!

WOW!!! I can't believe 4 months have already gone by, it seems like just yesterday Casey and I were rushing to the hospital from the school!

Today we visited the doctors for McKenley's 4 month check-up, and yes, that means more vaccinations! BLEH!!! :( Luckily, we made it through with minimal tears and lots of praise for McKenley's progress thus far!!

I made the mistake of waiting to take her 4 month picture until after the doctors appointment, so she was very stingy with her smiles, BUT I think I got some cute ones! :)
Things that McKenley has accomplished this month:
- Started to laugh, it is the cutest thing!! When we get her out of bed in the mornings, she is in the best mood and squeals and laughs she is so excited to see you, it TOTALLY melts our hearts!
- She definitely has noticed there are 2 furry creatures runnin around the house. She stares at Deuce and Daisy for the longest time! I think she is confused by why they are covered with hair!! She LOVES when Daisy covers her with kisses!
- We've ditched the "beanbag," as we have come to call it, at naps and at night! For those of you that know the story, it was not the smartest idea for Casey and I to let her sleep on that thing & it was a LONG 3 nights of weaning her off of it!
- McKenley will grab toys that you lay on her chest and bring them to her mouth to chew on them.
- Her hands have found each other! She locks her fingers together and then tries to chew on BOTH hands at the same time! haha
- We've started swim class!! (more pictures to follow later in the week)

Speedbumps that we have encountered this month:
- We are still dealing with some skin issues, I have to REALLY stay on top of the Hydrocortisone cream or her eczema will really flair up! Hopefully solids won't cause this to flair up at all!
- McKenley still hasn't rolled over yet. The girl is just so content hanging out on her back or in her Bumbo, she has no need to roll over! haha. I keep saying we're getting close, but I really think it's just around the corner!
- The last week or so, McKenley has decided to go on a sleep strike! She was taking 1 1/2 -2 hour naps, and now we are lucky to get 30 minutes max... lets pray this passes soon!

McKenley's 4 month stats:
Weight ~ 12 lbs 12.5 oz ~ 25% (they have now put her on the scale with babies born at full term!)
Length ~ 24 1/4 inches ~ 50%
Head Cir ~ 15 1/2 inches ~ 25%
Food ~ Anywhere from 4-6 oz - she is a very finicky eater, we never know how much she is going to take, which can be quite frustrating, but shes gaining weight like a champ so the doctor says not to worry!!
Diapers ~ still in 1's, but once we are out of the diapers we have, we'll be moving to 2's!
Clothes ~ my little peanut is still in 0-3 month clothes!
Sleep ~ we're struggling a bit with naps, but at night she sleeps from 10 - 6 and hopefully that length will continue to grow!

We have already started to see McKenley's little personality start to show. We think she is going to be a more reserved kiddo (don't know where she got that from with us as her parents!). She seems to like to sit back and just soak everything in before she can really enjoy herself. I witnessed this first hand at her first swim lesson with mommy! It's probably the cutest thing ever to watch her take everything in with those big eyes!

I am VERY happy that today is over. This round of vaccinations seemed to be a bit more rough on our little girl than the last set.
Luckily, she was able to make it through with the help of her "Lovey"!!

We got the go ahead to start rice cereal so keep an eye out for those pictures to come!!


  1. Love the updates! That bottom photo is freakin' adorable! :) Can't wait to see the swim photos... too cute!

  2. Love reading the Em!!! I must tell you I feel so much better that she hasn't rolled over yet because Chloe will be four months in a week and still hasn't rolled over and I was kind of freaking out! She hates being on her belly so tummy time doesn't last long and she just wants to sit up in her Boppy to watch everything going on!!!! Your little sweetie is so cute!!!
