Sunday, March 13, 2011

Princess Update

Well, it has been a long 10 days... wait, can you believe that she is already 10 days old!!! This has already been a whirlwind of events and is flying by! But look at just how cute she is!!!

 Casey and I are trying to soak in every moment we get with her while we are at the hospital.  She is making great progress and everyday we can see her growing and developing.  McKenley has to fulfill certain criteria to be able to come home with us... so much pressure on such a little girl!!
1) She has to be breathing completely on her own - CHECK!
2) She has to be able to maintain her body temperature without the need of heat lamps - CHECK!
3) She has to be consistently gaining weight - CHECK! She is back up to 5 lbs 12 oz. and counting!
4) She has to be taking 8 FULL "meals" a day without the assistance of the feeding tube - this is the only part that McKenley is still working on.

Our poor little princess just gets so tired sometimes and falls asleep in the middle of the bottle! BUT, this is happening farther and fewer between with each day! We were so encouraged by the progress she showed yesterday! She is up to taking 6 out of 8 full feedings and the nurses and doctors are are very optimistic that this number will keep increasing with each day. 
Haha, the little bean passed out like this and I couldn't bear to move her!!
 So, to answer the question EVERYONE seems to be asking, including Casey and I, when can she come home?!? Well, unfortunately I cannot answer the question with an exact answer.  :( At this point we are being given "probablys" and "estimations" of Wednesday or Thursday, but we will not know for sure until the time gets closer.  I PROMISE as soon as I get a definite answer, the WHOLE world will know!

So for now, please continue to keep McKenley and her daddy and I in your thoughts and prayers. I must say, this process is not easy on any of us and we are ready to all be at home together. McKenley has a beautiful bed and lots of fun things that she needs to take advantage of! I will continue to keep everyone updated and hopefully, the next update will be pictures of her AT HOME!!!!

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